Monday, September 12, 2016

Reading Notes: Santal Folklore, Reading A

I liked the Ledha and the Leopard story because the dynamic between the boy and the buffalo. They seemed to become a little family, and even after Ledha became Raja he built a house in the jungle to be closer to them. I think this relationship would be fun to write about. I also thought it was funny that the Leopard was so scared of a tiny lizard.

(The herd of buffalo, source

Ramai and the Animals was my favorite of this group of stories. I feel like I would end up rescuing all those animals like he did, instead of buying livestock like his brothers. I liked how Ramai didn’t seem to care what his father thought, and did what he thought was right with his money. If I were to rewrite this I would probably take out them part of him getting married in the end (it seems unnecessary) and maybe have him rescue his animals in time before his father kills them. 

I also thought The Tiger Cub and the Calf was interesting. I liked how they decided to stick together after they found out that the tiger’s mother killed the cow. I could write a sequel to this story maybe? It would be cool to see where they end up, and the adventures they go on. It also said that the tiger’s mother was angry and would have killed them if she found them. It could be an “on the run” type story?

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