Thursday, September 1, 2016

Feedback Thoughts

While reading through the articles I thought that the most useful was “Overcoming the Fear of Feedback.” The manager story made sense and illustrated what I fear when giving people feedback or criticism. The manager asked for the feedback but her first reaction was to be mad or betrayed, and that’s what I’ve always worried about doing. I don’t want to upset people because of feedback I give them. 

It also said that a majority of people actually wanted feedback on their work, which makes me feel better. It also said not to blame others for their feedback. Which I also think is important. 

The next article I read was “Taking Feedback like a Champ” and it stated that without feedback from others we remain stagnant. In my major we often do critiques, and any feedback is essential in improving. Without feedback on our projects we might not notice our mistakes, and keep making them. However, I think it's better to give people ideas on how to improve instead of saying something like, "this looks weird" or "this doesn't work." 

(A presentation at a workplace, Source

Overall I take critiques pretty well, I may get nervous beforehand but they always end up better than I expect. I need to speak up more often when giving feedback to others though. 

Also, in the “Be a Mirror” reading it said to avoid saying things like “I think” or “I like.” I’m guilty definitely guilty of this, and should probably work on it. 

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