Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Week 8 Growth Mindset

Some strengths I have include being confident that I can improve and/or learn from my mistakes, setting my priorities, and being open to feedback. This class has definitely given me great feedback and I always try my best to apply it to my writings. I have also had to manage my schedule often so that I turn everything in on time. 

My weaknesses are staying in my comfort zone (in this class and in life in general), taking a short time view, and comparing myself to others. At first writing a story each week was out of my comfort zone, but as time has gone by I have become used to it. I’ve also had to try and ditch my short-term mindset when it comes to planning for my storybook. 

I hope that for the second half of the semester I can continue to improve with my writing and get out of my comfort zone more often.


  1. That’s what I love about this class so much, it pushes you in uncomfortable and vulnerable territory. Then when it pushes it to that area you grow confidence. It’s odd that a class could do that, but it does! I understand about having to rearrange your schedule often, I haven’t had to change mine yet, with Laura, but I have to change the times I start within the day. Sometimes work gets in the way, or life, or family. It’s hard, but it’s worth it. Practice makes perfect! Good luck with the last bit of class! x

  2. That is one thing that I am struggling with in this class but I am trying new things to step out of my comfort zone and it hasn't been so bad. I think that it is a lot better to try to step out of your comfort zone a little bit at a time and then once your comfortable there take another step! I hope what's left of the semester continues to push you a little more out of your comfort zone.

  3. I think it is awesome that you have been able to focus more on the long term in this class. It is hard trying to make up the whole overarching theme to something when you don’t know what you are linking yet. I know I struggled with coming up with something at the beginning that could bring everything together. Maybe try stepping even further outside your comfort zone now because you are used to this class now! Good luck with the rest of the semester! Happy Thanksgiving :)
